Overview of the Hong Kong Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS)

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The Hong Kong Quality Migrant Admission Scheme, commonly known as QMAS, is a specialized immigration program designed to attract skilled professionals and entrepreneurs who can contribute to the local economy. Established by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government, the QMAS application seeks to bolster the city’s competitiveness by facilitating the entry of individuals with exceptional skills, knowledge, and experience. QMAS visa Applicants are not required to have a job offer waiting for them when they arrive in the territory if they are successful.

All QMAS visa applicants must satisfy a set of prerequisites based on the points awarded on either of the two tests, namely the General Points Test and the Achievement-based Points Test. If applicants successfully obtain residency under the Quality Migration Admission Scheme, they can bring their spouse and unmarried dependent children under 18 to Hong Kong. However, successful applicants must be able to provide for their dependents using their financial resources rather than relying on public assistance in Hong Kong

Key Features of Hong Kong QMAS Visa

Points-Based System: Quality Migrant Admission Scheme application operates on a points-based system where Hong Kong QMAS Visa applicants are assessed across various criteria, including age, academic qualifications, work experience, language proficiency, and more. The QMAS application system aims to identify individuals with the potential to contribute significantly to Hong Kong.

Two Streams: QMAS application comprises two streams—the General Points Test and the Achievement-based Points Test. The QMAS General Points Test assesses factors such as age, academic qualifications, work experience, language proficiency, and family background, while the Achievement-based Points Test QMAS Visa application focuses on exceptional achievements and contributions to specific fields.

Enhanced Facilitation Measures: QMAS application incorporates enhanced facilitation measures to streamline the immigration process. These QMAS Visa application measures include accelerated application processing, expeditious entry arrangements, and dedicated support for successful Quality Migrant Admission Scheme applicants.

Dependents’ Inclusion: Successful Hong Kong QMAS Visa applicants have the privilege of bringing their spouse and unmarried dependent children under the age of 18 to Hong Kong under dependent visas.

General Points Test

Points Test

Processing Time
for Quality Migrant
Admission Scheme

General Points Test

After calculation, the General Points Test under the Hong Kong Quality Migrant Admission Scheme assigns a score based on your age, the nature of your family, the years of experience in the workforce, and the degrees you’ve earned. At this time of QMAS application, you need to make a minimum of 80 points to pass QMAS; however, the minimum number of points required to pass QMAS may change at some point in the future. The highest possible score is 245.

Achievement-based Points Test

The achievement-based points test under the Hong Kong Quality Migrant Admission Scheme aims to reach people with outstanding success and exceptional talents or abilities for QMAS. These QMAS application individuals are the target audience for the test. The QMAS application standards for this test are pretty severe and demanding. The QMAS visa applicants’ previous experiences and successes are taken into consideration. For the applicants to be successful, they must meet one of the following criteria:


  • Awarded a commendation for excellent achievements, such as the Olympic Medal, the Nobel Prize, or one of the many other prizes that can be found nationally or internationally.
  • Recognized for their work by those who worked in the same field at the same time as them or for making a substantial contribution to the progress of their area of expertise, such as by receiving a lifetime achievement award from a specific industry for their work.

Processing Time for Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS):

The processing time for the QMAS application under the Hong Kong Quality Migrant Admission Scheme is a pivotal aspect that QMAS visa applicants must navigate with patience and strategic planning. Typically, the journey unfolds over a span of 6 to 18 months from the moment of submission.

Factors Influencing Processing Times

Application Completeness: The completeness of the submitted QMAS application significantly influences processing times. Ensuring that all required QMAS Visa application documents are accurate, complete, and aligned with the immigration guidelines contributes to a smoother evaluation process.

Points-Based System Evaluation: The Points-Based System, a core component of QMAS application, requires meticulous evaluation. Applicants must be prepared for thorough scrutiny of their age, academic qualifications, work experience, language proficiency, family background, and potential points for achievements.

Volume of Applications: The overall volume of QMAS Visa applications received by the Hong Kong Immigration Department plays a role in processing times. Periods of increased application submissions may result in slightly longer processing durations.

Adjudication and Verification: The adjudication and verification processes involve detailed assessments of an applicant’s eligibility, adherence to immigration policies, and overall suitability for the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme Visa. These stages contribute to the overall timeline.

Communication and Clarifications: Timely communication and responses to any queries or requests for additional information from the Hong Kong Immigration Department are crucial. Delays may occur if there are prolonged periods of communication gaps.

Approval and Documentation Issuance: Once the application successfully navigates the evaluation process, the subsequent stages involve the approval of the QMAS Visa and the issuance of relevant documentation. These steps culminate in the applicant being ready to embark on their professional journey in Hong Kong.

Eligibility – Who Can and Cannot Apply for the Hong Kong QMAS Visa

To be eligible to apply for the Hong Kong Quality Migrant Admission Scheme, the applicant must meet the following QMAS requirements: age, financial requirements, absence of a criminal record or adverse immigration record, language proficiency, and a minimum educational qualification.

Please see below for a summary of the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme requirements:

• Age and Academic Background: at least 18 years old and a bachelor’s degree;
• Financial requirement: The Hong Kong QMAS visa applicant must demonstrate that they can pay for their housing and other living expenses in Hong Kong without relying on public assistance.
• No criminal record nor adverse immigration record.
• Language proficiency: The Hong Kong QMAS visa applicant possesses an excellent command of Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese) or/and English; certification in this regard is required.
• All QMAS applicants can earn points by passing either the General Points Test or the Achievement-based Points Test; the minimum passing score for the QMAS General Points Test is 80 points, and the minimum passing score for the Achievement-based Points Test is 245 points.

On the QMAS General Points Test, six factors contribute to the total score. Before applying for a Hong Kong QMAS visa, applicants should evaluate whether or not their credentials are sufficient to meet the minimum requirements.

For the Achievement-based Points Test under the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme, there is a single point-scoring factor: determining whether the Hong Kong QMAS visa applicant has exceptional accomplishments demonstrating exceptional talent or skills. The requirements for this examination are stringent. The Quality Migrant Admission Scheme applicant must meet at least one of the following:

• The QMAS applicant has been awarded for exceptional achievements, such as Olympic medals, the Nobel Prize, or national/international awards; OR
• The QMAS applicant can demonstrate that they have been recognized by their peers in the industry or have made significant contributions to the development of their industry (such as receiving a lifetime achievement award from their sector).

Please do not hesitate to contact our HkPro QMAS visa consultants if you have queries about your QMAS visa application for an appraisal of your eligibility to apply for the QMAS visa. Before applying for a Hong Kong QMAS visa, our knowledgeable QMAS consultant will guide you regarding the point tests you may select and assist you in evaluating the points to guide you in obtaining the QMAS visa.

Significance Benefit of Hong Kong QMAS Visa

Access to Hong Kong’s Dynamic Job Market: The Hong Kong QMAS Visa serves as a gateway for skilled professionals to tap into Hong Kong’s dynamic job market. With its status as a global financial hub and a center for various industries, Hong Kong offers a plethora of opportunities for individuals with specialized skills and expertise.

Permanent Residency Opportunities: One of the paramount advantages of the Hong Kong QMAS Visa is the potential pathway to permanent residency in Hong Kong. Successful QMAS applicants who meet the eligibility criteria have the opportunity to apply for permanent residency, providing a stable and long-term foundation for their professional and personal endeavors.

Education and Healthcare Benefits: Hong Kong QMAS Visa holders and their dependents enjoy access to Hong Kong’s world-class education and healthcare systems. This includes enrolling children in prestigious schools and accessing top-notch medical facilities, contributing to a high quality of life for individuals and their families.

Contribution to Hong Kong’s Economy: Hong Kong QMAS Visa holders play a vital role in contributing to Hong Kong’s economy. By bringing in skilled professionals, the scheme enhances the city’s competitiveness on the global stage, fostering innovation, knowledge transfer, and economic growth across various sectors.

Global Networking and Exposure: Hong Kong’s cosmopolitan atmosphere offers Quality Migrant Admission Scheme Visa holders the opportunity to engage in global networking and exposure. Individuals can collaborate with professionals from diverse backgrounds, participate in international conferences, and contribute to the city’s position as a global business and cultural hub.

Strategies for Maximizing Hong Kong QMAS Visa Points by HKPro

Strategically navigating the Points-Based System is key to maximizing one’s eligibility for the QMAS Visa. Here are insightful strategies to enhance your points:

Strategic Age Consideration:

– Recognize the importance of age in the points allocation QMAS application process.
– If applicable, consider applying at an age that maximizes points to bolster your overall score.

Optimize Academic Qualifications:

– Prioritize advanced degrees and qualifications from renowned institutions to maximize points in the academic qualifications criterion.
– Ensure that your academic credentials are well-documented and aligned with QMAS visa application requirements.

Highlight Work Experience and Achievements:

– Showcase extensive work experience and highlight significant achievements in your professional journey.
– Provide detailed QMAS application documentation of your contributions, projects, and leadership roles to maximize points in the work experience criterion.

Invest in Language Proficiency:

– Invest time in language training programs and recognized language proficiency tests to enhance language scores for QMAS.
– A high level of proficiency in either English or Chinese can significantly contribute to the overall points.

Leverage Family Background:

– If applicable, leverage the family background criterion by providing accurate documentation of immediate family members in Hong Kong.
– Ensure that all relevant details are presented to maximize points in this category.

Craft a Comprehensive Achievement Portfolio:

– For the Achievement-based Points Test, meticulously document exceptional achievements, awards, and contributions in your field.
– Present a comprehensive portfolio that resonates with the specific requirements of this criterion.

Thorough Points Evaluation with HKPro:

– Engage in a thorough preliminary consultation with HKPro to evaluate potential points and strategize your application.
– Leverage the expertise of HKPro to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities to enhance your overall points.

Continuous Improvement and Learning:

– Stay updated on language proficiency requirements and educational qualifications relevant to QMAS visa.
– Continuously improve and upgrade your skills to remain competitive in the points-based evaluation process.

QMAS Visa Application Process

The QMAS Visa application process is designed to attract and facilitate the entry of skilled professionals into the vibrant tapestry of Hong Kong. The journey begins with a preliminary consultation and culminates in successful integration into the city’s dynamic workforce. Here’s a step-by-step guide, ensuring a seamless and successful QMAS Visa application experience with the expert assistance of HKPro.

1. Preliminary Consultation with HKPro: Unlocking Your Potential

On the QMAS Visa application journey starts with a crucial preliminary consultation with the seasoned experts at HKPro. This personalized session aims to delve into the applicant’s professional goals, qualifications, and potential for contribution to Hong Kong’s thriving industries.

Key Aspects of the Preliminary Consultation:
• In-depth discussion of the applicant’s professional background.
• Evaluation of educational qualifications and work experience.
• Exploration of the applicant’s language proficiency.
• Assessment of potential points under the QMAS Points Test.

HKPro’s expertise shines through in providing valuable insights, aligning the applicant’s goals with the intricacies of the QMAS criteria.

2. Documentation Compilation: Crafting Your Professional Narrative

With insights gained from the preliminary consultation, HKPro guides applicants in compiling a robust set of documents essential for a successful QMAS Visa application.

Key QMAS Documentation Components:

• Employment Offer Letter: A bona fide offer from a local company specifying details of the proposed employment.
• Educational Qualifications: Copies of academic certificates and transcripts demonstrating the applicant’s educational background.
• Curriculum Vitae (CV): A comprehensive CV outlining the applicant’s professional experience, achievements, and contributions.
• Language Proficiency Evidence: Documentation supporting the applicant’s language proficiency, whether in English or Chinese.
• Financial Proof: Demonstrating the financial capability to support oneself during the initial period in Hong Kong.

HKPro’s meticulous approach ensures that each QMAS document tells a compelling professional story, reinforcing the applicant’s eligibility for the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme Visa.

3. Points-based System Evaluation: Maximizing Your Potential Points

The Quality Migrant Admission Scheme operates on a points-based system, where QMAS applicants are assessed across various criteria. HKPro assists applicants in maximizing their potential points, ensuring a competitive application.

Key Criteria for Points Accumulation:

• Age: Points are allocated based on the QMAS applicant’s age, with higher points for younger individuals.
• Academic Qualifications: The level of academic qualifications, including degrees and postgraduate studies.
• Professional Experience: QMAS Points are awarded for relevant work experience, particularly in specialized fields.
• Language Proficiency: Proficiency in English or Chinese is a key criterion, with points allocated based on language test results.
• Additional Factors: Supplementary factors, such as family background, can contribute to additional points.

HKPro’s expertise in navigating the QMAS points-based system ensures a strategic approach to maximize the applicant’s score.

4. Application Submission to the Hong Kong Immigration Department: Precision in Presentation

Once the QMAS documentation is compiled, HKPro takes the lead in submitting the QMAS Visa application to the Hong Kong Immigration Department. The presentation of the QMAS application is meticulous, adhering to the specific guidelines set forth by the immigration authorities.

Key Aspects of Application Submission:

• Accuracy and Completeness: Ensuring that all required documents are accurate, complete, and aligned with the immigration guidelines.
• Timely Submission: Submission within the designated timeframe to facilitate smooth processing.
• Communication with Immigration Authorities: HKPro acts as the intermediary, addressing any queries or additional information requests promptly.

HKPro’s role in this phase is crucial, ensuring that the application stands out as a well-prepared and compelling case for QMAS Visa approval.

5. Application Processing and Follow-Up: Vigilance in Progress

Following the submission, HKPro remains vigilant in monitoring the QMAS application’s progress with the Hong Kong Immigration Department. Timely follow-ups are conducted to address any QMAS queries or additional QMAS information requests promptly.

Key Aspects of Application Processing:

• Timely Follow-Ups: HKPro conducts regular follow-ups to track the QMAS application’s progress and address any concerns promptly.
• Proactive Communication: HKPro remains in constant communication with the immigration authorities, ensuring that the QMAS application moves smoothly through the various stages of processing.

HKPro’s proactive approach minimizes delays and ensures that the application progresses seamlessly through the intricate immigration process.

6. Visa Approval and Collection: A Culmination of Success

Upon successful approval of the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme Visa, HKPro guides the applicant through the final steps, including the collection of the visa label and relevant documents.

Key Aspects of Visa Approval:

• Notification and Confirmation: HKPro communicates the approval notification and guides the applicant through the confirmation process.
• Visa Label Collection: HKPro assists in collecting the physical visa label and relevant documents from the designated authorities.

This phase marks the culmination of a well-executed application process, positioning the individual to embark on their professional journey in Hong Kong.

7. Post-Arrival Assistance and Integration: Seamless Transition into Hong Kong

HKPro’s commitment extends beyond visa approval to post-arrival assistance. Upon reaching Hong Kong, individuals receive guidance on necessary procedures, local regulations, and any additional support required for a seamless transition.

Key Aspects of Post-Arrival Assistance:

• Orientation to Local Environment: HKPro provides an orientation to the local environment, including key facilities and services.
• Networking Opportunities: Guidance on networking opportunities within professional and expatriate communities.
• Integration Support: Assistance in navigating local culture, customs, and daily life.

HKPro’s holistic approach ensures that individuals transitioning to Hong Kong feel supported and integrated into the local community.

Overcoming Common Challenges and Tips for Success in Hong Kong

In the kaleidoscope of opportunities that Hong Kong presents, the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS) Visa stands as a key to unlocking doors for skilled professionals worldwide. However, like any significant endeavor, the QMAS Visa application process is not without its challenges.

The QMAS operates on a Points-Based System, where applicants are evaluated across various criteria to determine their eligibility. While this system is designed to identify skilled individuals, navigating it can pose challenges for applicants. Here are some common challenges and insights on addressing them:

Maximizing Points for Age: The Points-Based System awards higher points to younger applicants. For older individuals, this can pose a challenge. However, emphasizing other strong aspects, such as extensive experience or exceptional achievements, can compensate for age-related points.

Optimizing Language Proficiency: Language proficiency is a significant factor in the Points-Based System. Applicants must showcase proficiency in either English or Chinese. To address this challenge, investing time in language training programs and obtaining recognized language certifications can enhance language scores.

Balancing Education and Experience: Achieving the optimum balance between academic qualifications and professional experience is crucial. Points are awarded for both factors, and applicants must strategically present a harmonious blend of education and hands-on expertise to maximize their overall score.

Showcasing Achievements: The Achievement-based Points Test is an avenue for applicants to earn additional points for exceptional achievements. Addressing this challenge involves presenting a comprehensive portfolio of accomplishments, awards, and contributions to demonstrate the applicant’s outstanding capabilities.

Successfully navigating the QMAS Visa application process requires a strategic approach and attention to detail. Here are valuable tips to enhance the chances of a successful application:

Thorough Preliminary Consultation with HKPro: Before embarking on the application journey, engage in a thorough preliminary consultation with HKPro. This step provides insights into the applicant’s strengths, potential challenges, and a tailored strategy to maximize points.

Strategic Points Maximization: Work with HKPro to strategically maximize points under the Points-Based System. This involves a comprehensive assessment of all criteria, identification of potential weaknesses, and implementing strategies to strengthen the overall application.

Meticulous Documentation Compilation: Compile a robust set of documents showcasing educational qualifications, employment history, language proficiency, and other supporting evidence. Meticulous documentation is crucial to presenting a strong case to immigration authorities.

Utilize Achievement-based Points: Leverage the Achievement-based Points Test to showcase exceptional accomplishments. This involves presenting a well-documented portfolio of awards, publications, patents, or contributions that set the applicant apart in their field.

Timely Application Submission: Submit the QMAS Visa application within the designated timeframe. Timely submissions contribute to a smooth processing timeline and minimize potential delays in the application assessment.

Proactive Follow-Up: After submission, engage in proactive follow-ups with HKPro to monitor the application’s progress. Address any queries or additional information requests promptly to ensure a smooth progression through the various stages of processing.

Hong Kong Quality Migrant Admission Scheme Visa Application Frequently Asked Questions

The Talent List would showcase the global talent pool and which specific professions are needed most for Hong Kong’s ongoing economic development to attract talented people worldwide to relocate to Hong Kong. This is done to encourage talented people from all over the world to move to Hong Kong. Because of this, Hong Kong could maintain its position at the top of the rankings for its different industries worldwide.

Individuals whose careers are featured on the Talent List can apply for permanent residency in Hong Kong through the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS). Applicants to the QMAS who meet the qualification standards of the various professions on the Talent List will receive a 30-point boost on the General Points Test of the QMAS; however, the minimum score required to pass will continue to be 80.

During the process of evaluation, the Hong Kong Quality Migrant Admission Scheme requirements for each profession on the Talent List that are listed will be taken into consideration. Approved applicants who present the necessary documentation and demonstrate that they satisfy the requirements will be awarded 30 points under the General Points Test of the QMAS.

To evaluate whether or not the applicant satisfies the qualifying standards for the specific profession mentioned on the Talent List, the Immigration Department may also seek the assistance of relevant government offices, departments, and professional organizations. It is possible to make this determination to find out whether or not the candidate is qualified for the Talent List.


Source: Talent List Hong Kong

Are you from these Professions in the Talent List of Hong Kong? Hong Kong welcomes you!

– Professionals in Compliance in Asset Management

– Financial Professionals in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)

– Waste Treatment Specialists

– Asset Management Professionals

– Marine Insurance Professionals

– Actuaries

– Fintech Professionals

– Data Scientists & Cyber Security Specialists

– Innovation and Technology Experts

– Naval Architects

– Marine Engineers & Superintendents of Ships

– Creative Industries and Performing Arts Professionals

– Dispute Resolution Professionals & Transactional Lawyers

As a result of the changes made to the point system, the highest possible score on the General Points Test has been increased to 245. The minimum score of 80 points required for passing has stayed the same. The Achievement-based Points Test has a maximum point value of 245. Those deemed to have satisfied one of the requirements for this examination will be awarded 245 points; in all other cases, no points will be given out. Applications that do not get points based on these criteria will be rejected without further consideration.
For QMAS applications, it is optional to have a job offer before applying if the applicant is highly skilled and talented and has the potential to increase Hong Kong’s economic competitiveness in the global market.

HkPro provides a consultancy service for individuals seeking advice on the paperwork necessary to apply for qmas visas. This comes in the form of our consultants developing a specialized document checklist for each application for a Quality Migrant Admission Scheme visa. Our visa advisers will fill out all immigration forms on the applicant’s behalf and submit them on their behalf. We are going to organize the documents that the applicant has presented to us. Then we are going to look them through to make sure that they comply with the immigration policy and that they support the applicant’s application for a Quality Migrant Admission Scheme visa. If the applicant cannot procure the required documents, we will offer suggestions for alternative documents that can be sent to the Immigration Department.

As soon as the applicant’s supporting documents have been collected by our visa consultants, who will then submit the forms to the Immigration Department on the applicant’s behalf, we take care of the ongoing process of liaising with Immigration and respond on behalf of the applicant to all questions regarding the visa applicant’s submission. This is done on behalf of the applicant.

We also maintain a close eye on the process of applying for a QMAS visa, and we will keep the applicant updated on the progress of their QMAS visa application until the point at which the QMAS visa is granted. We will collect the QMAS visa on the applicant’s behalf, and once the visa has been successfully approved, we will arrange to have it delivered to the applicant.

Additional information:
Student visa holders are not permitted to work without permission from the Immigration Department.

Entry of Dependants for QMAS application”
Applicants under the QMAS application may apply to bring in their spouse via a Dependant visa application.

Those who are admitted under the QMAS visa application or apply for admission under the QMAS visa application will act as sponsors for their dependents in Hong Kong. Typically, the length of time their dependents may remain in the country is tied to that of their sponsors.

QMAS visa applicants interested in participating in the QMAS application are cautioned to include applications for dependent visas or entry permits for all family members accompanying them in their entry applications.

Suppose the applicant is claiming points under the General Points Test in their QMAS application based on the level of education of the accompanying spouse/or the number of accompanying unmarried dependent children under 18. In that case, the QMAS visa applicant must also submit dependant visa/entry permit applications for the accompanying family members within their QMAS application. These applications must be submitted simultaneously with the QMAS application.

The Hong Kong Quality Migrant Admission Scheme is a specialized immigration program designed to attract skilled professionals and entrepreneurs who can contribute to the local economy. Administered by the Hong Kong Immigration Department, the QMAS operates on a Points-Based System, where applicants are assessed across various criteria, including age, academic qualifications, work experience, language proficiency, family background, and achievements.


Key Features:


  • Points-Based System: Hong Kong QMAS Visa utilizes a points-based assessment to evaluate applicants’ eligibility.
  • Two Streams: The General Points Test and the Achievement-based Points Test offer flexibility in meeting the criteria.
  • Enhanced Facilitation Measures: Hong Kong QMAS Visa incorporates measures to streamline the immigration process, ensuring a smooth journey for successful applicants.
  • Dependents’ Inclusion: Successful Hong Kong QMAS Visa applicants can bring their spouse and unmarried dependent children to Hong Kong under dependent visas.

To qualify for the Hong Kong QMAS Visa, applicants must meet specific eligibility criteria. Key requirements include:


  • Good Character: Applicants must demonstrate good character and meet health requirements.
  • Financial Capability: Evidence of financial capability to support oneself and dependents during the stay in Hong Kong is required.
  • Points Threshold: Applicants must fulfill the points threshold based on the Points Test, taking into account factors such as age, academic qualifications, work experience, language proficiency, family background, and achievements.

The Quality Migrant Admission Scheme Visa application process typically takes between 6 and 18 months from submission. However, the processing time can be influenced by factors such as application completeness, the volume of applications received, the thoroughness of Points-Based System evaluation, communication and clarifications, and the overall efficiency of the adjudication and verification processes.


Key Stages in the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme Visa Application Process:


  • Preliminary Consultation with HKPro
  • Documentation Compilation
  • Points-Based System Evaluation
  • Application Submission
  • Application Processing and Follow-Up
  • Visa Approval and Collection
  • Post-Arrival Assistance and Integration

HKPro plays a crucial role in supporting applicants throughout the QMAS Visa application journey. Services provided by HKPro include:


  • Preliminary Consultation: In-depth discussions to understand the applicant’s professional background, evaluate qualifications, and assess potential points under the Points Test.
  • Documentation Guidance: Assistance in compiling a robust set of documents, including employment offer letters, academic qualifications, language proficiency proof, and financial documentation.
  • Points-Based System Navigation: Strategic guidance to maximize points in the Points-Based System, addressing challenges and optimizing the overall application.
  • Application Submission: Ensuring timely and accurate submission of the application, adhering to immigration guidelines.
  • Follow-Up and Communication: Proactive follow-ups to monitor the application’s progress, address queries promptly, and maintain clear communication with the Hong Kong Immigration Department.
  • Post-Arrival Assistance: Extending support beyond visa approval, providing orientation to the local environment, networking opportunities, and integration assistance.

Holding a Quality Migrant Admission Scheme Visa in Hong Kong offers numerous advantages:

  • Access to Job Market: Quality Migrant Admission Scheme Visa holders can tap into Hong Kong’s dynamic job market, renowned for its global financial hub and diverse industries.
  • Permanent Residency Pathway: Successful QMAS Visa applicants have the opportunity to apply for permanent residency, providing a stable foundation for long-term endeavors.
  • Education and Healthcare Benefits: QMAS Visa holders and their dependents enjoy access to top-tier education and healthcare facilities in Hong Kong.
  • Contribution to Economy: QMAS Visa holders contribute to Hong Kong’s economy by bringing in specialized skills, fostering innovation, and contributing to economic growth.
  • Global Networking: Hong Kong’s cosmopolitan atmosphere provides QMAS Visa holders with opportunities for global networking, collaboration, and exposure.

Additional information

Student visa holders are not permitted to work without permission from the Immigration Department.

Entry of Dependants for QMAS application

Applicants under the QMAS application may apply to bring in their spouse via a Dependant visa application.


Those who are admitted under the QMAS visa application or apply for admission under the QMAS visa application will act as sponsors for their dependents in Hong Kong. Typically, the length of time their dependents may remain in the country is tied to that of their sponsors.


QMAS visa applicants interested in participating in the QMAS application are cautioned to include applications for dependent visas or entry permits for all family members accompanying them in their entry applications. 


Suppose the applicant is claiming points under the General Points Test in their QMAS application based on the level of education of the accompanying spouse/or the number of accompanying unmarried dependent children under 18. In that case, the QMAS visa applicant must also submit dependant visa/entry permit applications for the accompanying family members within their QMAS application. These applications must be submitted simultaneously with the QMAS application.